Vlogging Lions

You may have noticed a trend in my decision to post or not post videos from The Expat Chronicles to this blog, namely that my cross-posting decision is really a question of, “Do I actually like this video?” This week’s topic is kind of just us talking about us, so I’m not sure how much outside appeal it actually has, BUT my little sister is in this video, and she’s awesome, so I’ve decided that it’s blog-worthy.

Since blogging-about-blogging has its own tag here, I’m going to say its fair game for me to now extend that to blogging-about-vlogging and say that this was oddly difficult to edit for several reasons. First, just as a technical note, a conversation has very different breaks and rhythm than the standard talking-to-a-camera vlog. Applying the jump-cut-crazy vlog editing to that is a bit…awkward.

More than that, though, I realized just how elaborate a world of references and humor my sister and I have constructed. Half of the editing process was, “Is this something that other people will find funny, or is it just us?” Granted, we’re pretty aware of that anyway; many of our conversations include some sort of interlude where we babble about how nobody else could possibly appreciate our logic. That’s the joy of sisters.

I could use this as a jumping off point to talk about how pervasive this problem is in non-internet contexts, that this in-jokes thing is not just relegated to the world of #bloggerproblems but then I’d lose the awesome little transition/preface/what-have-you that I have constructed for posting this vlog. Also, that sounds like more work, and I’m not really into that idea.